Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Yep, Just One More Addiction!

Right? That’s all I need. Thank you henna!

Hello, my name is Debi. I am a henna addict.

It’s so funny, my henna addiction has been sustained and all consuming since 1999! And it’s not just skin, several years ago, after seeing the amazing henna crafting that some of our other henna addicts had been creating, I couldn’t look at an object without thinking, “Hmmmm, I wonder if I could henna on that?”

Which led me to henna on wood. The craft stores have plenty of very cool wood items just begging for a henna treatment! You should see my collection. It’s impressive. I should live so long that I will be able to decorate all of the wood items that I have already gathered. Hennaing on wood is really fun! For one thing, the wood does not move. No fidgiting or pesky breathing. And I can turn it in any direction I need to while working on it. I also began painting the wood with fabric dyes before applying the henna designs, which added a cool new dimension to the objects. But then I ran into a problem, I was leaving the henna paste on the wood and finishing the pieces with a few coats of spar varnish to seal them. Sometimes the varnish would crackle, and sometimes it would get tacky and sometimes it would be fine. This was unacceptable. Let’s face it. I’m an artist. I am the creatrixof my universe. Hello, my name is Debi. I have control issues.

So now I’ve got this amazing collection of wood bits, and a real desire to do henna designs on them but I cannot control the friggin’ varnish! Grrrrrrrrrr!!!! This was driving me crazy (a short drive, I know, but it’s scenic). My roommate, a tremendous crochet addict in her own right, suggested wood burning, and even lent me her brand new, never used wood burning tool! My roommate is a hero. So here it is. My newest addiction, pyrography, brought to me by my oldest and most beloved addiction.

Henna, the gateway art.

~Debi aka Henna Crone

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