Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Big Henna Contest 2014

Last year, 2013, we came up with a very cool idea, “The Big Henna Contest”. We thought it would be fun, and a great way to get folks thinking about improving their henna skills. We also wanted to create an opportunity for artists who may have been lacking the funds, but not the passion, to come to the Henna Intensive & Retreat; so that was our first prize, a free 5 day 4 night registration. The truth was, it surprised us tremendously! The level of participation, excitement and innovation that all of the contestants brought to bear simply blew our minds!

We figured that the first round would be sort of like a ‘warm up’ round. With a theme (traditional Indian) everyone would be familiar with so that they could familiarize themselves with the steps they needed to take to participate without having to do too much research into the style of henna. Right out of the gate, the first round contest submissions were wonderful!

The plan was that each round would be increasingly challenging, hopefully inspiring each contestant to research and try less-familiar styles; encouraging them to stretch their creative process. At first we were a little concerned, because the later rounds were themed with less familiar styles, that the contestants would have some difficulty expressing their artistry and would stray from the style, but we needn’t have worried! Even though they may have been exploring previously uncharted style territory, the innovation they expressed in each successive round was astounding!!!

Not only that, we were thrilled to see that many people were following the contest with great anticipation each week; caught up in the energy of the artists as they pushed themselves and each other to new creative heights!

This year, we’ve just launched (March 3) “The Big Henna Contest 2014”, and we are looking forward with tremendous excitement to every entry!

Click on the "Contest" link at the top of our website for all of the details!


** Pictured in the photo from left to right: Henna by Jen Helsel (Round 1 entry 2013), Michelle Koopmans (Round 1 entry 2013), and Charmain Burnett (Round 1 entry 2013).

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