Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Live Chat with Khadija of Henna Sooq!

Last summer, we hosted some incredibly exciting “Live Chats” with the instructors that would be joining us to teach last year. We were so lucky to get to do one of these with the incredible Khadija Carryl of Henna Sooq!

Here are the questions that were asked and Khadija’s answers to them:

Question: How long have you had your business, Henna Sooq?
Khadija: Since September, 2005.

Q: Wow, that’s 8 years coming up soon! Are you doing something to celebrate?
K: Yes, absolutely! We’ll run an anniversary sale and promotions.

Q: I have a question. I just hennaed my eyebrows (well, actually, they are fading and I need to re-do them) but they came out really nice. I use only natural ingredients but are there any other limitations when using natural ingredients? I was wondering if I should offer that as a service or refrain from it.
K: That would be a great service. On top of that, people are really looking for people to apply henna to their hair for them.

Q: Doesn’t the henna dye the skin as well?
K: We make a nice mimosa butter that protects the edges of the skin quite nicely.

Q: Does it cross the line into cosmetology to apply henna to hair?
K: Each state has its own laws. You will have to check into that. Some places allow you to do hair color if you wash the hair first. There are loopholes. I’d find a natural hair salon in your area that might be open to giving you advice.

Q: Are there a lot of natural hair salons out there?
K: There are definitely natural hair salons out there. Natural hair is very big. You'll find this most often in black communities or curly hair communities as well. There's a dedicated natural hair show in Atlanta that draws over 30,000 people. We also have a store that carries our natural hair products in Oklahoma.

K: The most popular reason people don’t henna their hair is because they are scared to. Lots of misconceptions out there. Knowledge is power.

Q: Really? What do they think it will do worse than hair dye chemicals already do?
K: People worry about missing spots and stubborn edges.

Q: If I were to make the henna paste for hair myself, what would I need to add to get hair that is shiny, silky, and soft?
K: Best liquids for your henna recipe is acv, water or green tea. These are the best and most popular but we are not limited to them. Every recipe should be custom for that person and their hair type. We are all individuals. An easy intro to henna for hair is adding conditioner to your recipe. This creates a henna gloss. Also, adding your favorite hair oil would be best for added moisture and shine. Organic Argan oil, and Cocoveda are what our clients add most often from our line. Please visit us online for more details with videos on those products. We have a great Youtube channel.

Q: Speaking of henna - what is your favorite type to recommend for both hair color and also which type do you recommend for body art?
K: Right now Red Raj is our best henna powder for body art and rich red tones. Creamy, smooth, and easy to use. Also very stringy in texture. Has a very high dye content. Highest out there right now. Next crop is supposed to be going up to 4%. It’s all about the sifting machines and how they process. The less heat going into henna and Ayurvedic herbs, the more potent the herbs will be as well as the crop and farming.

Q: Middle America is really lacking in Henna conferences. Anyone wanna help me organize one so we can bring Khadija out here?
Blume Bauer: Debi and I hope to expand someday and have more henna retreats in more places! But we have to work on selling this one out first and then move forward from there. We'd love to chat with other people who want to do a conference though in case we can help sponsor it in some way. I think that's why this retreat has people attending from all over the country and the world! There just aren't a ton of conferences yet. But as henna becomes more and more popular, I'm sure that there will be more and more events. Khadija has an amazing retreat style conference in Maryland! It's amazing!! And soooo beautiful there.
K: I’d love to come Rebecca.

Q: Khadija, do you apply henna to your hair as well?
K: Yes absolutely. I'm a henna head for over 15 yrs now.

Q: What would you suggest for dry hair?
K: Does anyone know what a co-wash is? A co-wash is when you wash your hair out with conditioner only. An ideal method for dry hair types and especially so after henna and Ayurvedic hair treatments. Does anyone know what Ayurvedic hair treatments are?

Q: When I remove the henna from my hair, should I only use conditioner to wash it?
K: Yes when you remove or wash out your henna from your hair, conditioner is really good. It also detangles and gets it out much easier. Getting and using baq henna makes a world of difference as well. Sift and color are usually at their best in baq.

Q: Thanks. So I don’t use any shampoo?
K: You can use shampoo but if your hair is on the dry side just co-wash and then return to your regular washing with shampoo and conditioner.

K: To get different henna shades: First each henna, we have usually 4-5 types in stock, has a degree of difference in orange-red-burgundy range. Second, more copper, strawberry, and orangey tones are achieved by adding organic cassia to your recipe. Third, for maintaining curls and to slightly tone down red of henna add our organic amla powder. Fourth, for brown tones and up to black use and add indigo to your recipe.

Q: I have never worked with Indigo. How difficult is it?
K: Indigo is a little fussy but not impossible. Just has a very fast dye release. Mixed separately and then added or used.

Q: My wife is looking for something to wash her hair with that will leave it residue free, and moisturized would be a plus. She has African hair, but not a really coarse hair.
K: She would love our Cocoveda shampoo bar and/or pure carrot. Will you both be at the retreat? For burgundy tones, the best henna powders would be Indian henna powders like our Organic raj henna.

Q: Do you guys like the henna smell? I do, but I think its an acquired type of thing. If were doing it for someone else, what do you recommend? Is it inevitable, or do you think a certain essential oil would make it a lot sweeter smelling?
K: Some people like the smell and some don't. Easy fix. Just add your favorite essential oils. My fave eo's for hair recipes would be organic sweet orange. There are also many beneficial EO's for hair use as well. All described on our website, www.hennasooq.com. And you can freeze henna and henna recipes for 4-6 months too. All of them, excluding indigo. Indigo does not freeze as a paste at all. Best storage is the freezer, second best would be refrigerated, third best in a cool, dark place.

Q: Does henna affect curls - like can it straighten them?
K: Henna can loosen the curl pattern. So yes it affects curls. Amla powder can help maintain curls.

Q: Have you ever seen anyone dye their hair with Indigo only? Does it come out blue? I love funky colors.
K: Indigo can give you blue-green tones when used alone. So most don't like it and that's where the henna horror stories come from, it's actually the indigo. But when mixing henna and indigo you can achieve a gorgeous blue black tone.

Q: Can I add indigo to my henna for my eyebrows to make them more brown, less orange? Or do you recommend a different henna strain all together?
K: You can use henna and indigo on eyebrows as well. Any recipe used on our hair can be used on your eyebrows as well. Your kitchen and Herbs, http://hennablogspot.com/kitchen-herbs-and-tea-for-your-hair

Q: Since we’re on the hair dye topic, do you have any good ideas to bleach hair naturally without making it super brittle?
K: Bleaching is tough as it really can't be truly done without stripping the hair with chemicals but you can naturally lighten it some with honey. Honey is a natural hydrogen peroxide.

Q: I have heard that lemons work as well for lightening - is that true Khadija?
K: Yes lemons as well.

We look forward to doing another Live Chat with Henna Sooq this year before the retreat. Stay tuned for details!

You can find Khadija’s shop, Henna Sooq online at www.HennaSooq.com

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