Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Want Some Adventure in Your Life?

Join us at the Henna Intensive & Retreat and you'll enjoy an evening to remember during our annualAdventure Night! 

2012 was our very first retreat and very first Adventure Night. We had s'mores, a bonfire, and fun with glow sticks. It was incredible, being outdoors, under a billion stars away from all the city lights - just us and nature.

Adventure Night is held in the Tipi Village at the camp. The Tipi Village is this beautiful clearing with 3 pads set for real-life Tipis, a bonfire pit, and log benches all around. It is seriously one of the most magnificent places I have ever been. Serene and exciting at the same time. 

The hike over to the Tipi Village is an easy one and not too far from the main camp but far enough to be away from the tiny bit of lights around the camp, making for a magnificent view of the night sky. Our first year, I sprained my ankle during set up (I was a bit over-excited) but was able to make it over there just fine. Although, I did walk out there first so that no one had to wait for me to get there at a snail's pace. It was great getting there before everyone else. I got to watch a parade of glow necklaces wrapped around the participants of the retreat as they made their way down the path and across the dry creek bed. It was other-worldly to see that sight! They looked like alien floating heads traveling in a row to greet me.

As part of the adventure offered for the evening, participants are welcome to stay in the tipis overnight - garnering, a real-life adventure in the woods! We had a few girls stay out there that night and two girls that loved it so much that they slept out there the rest of the weekend! What an incredible way to take advantage of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

In 2013, our second Adventure Night, we added a Q&A with our instructors/presenters. What a night that was! Unforgettable really. No question was off-limits and the instructors were so candid with their thoughts - sharing the most intimate of details. It was truly incredible!

We are really looking forward to the 2014 Adventure Night and who knows?! We might even have a surprise or two in store!


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